Weekly Legislative Update

This week’s highlights...
Top News - This week, members of the Missouri State Board of Education received an update on the Read, Lead, Exceed Program, which is the state’s literacy initiative, including a preliminary review of K-3 foundational reading assessment data and a report on the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) program evaluation. Both the K-3 reading program and expanded LETRS training are the result of the passage on SB 681 (O’Laughlin) in 2022.
Missouri Update - The Missouri House passed HB 1486 (Shields) by a vote of 102-43 before adjourning for the week. A top priority for Aligned, this bill would allow public districts and charter schools to provide voluntary free pre-kindergarten to all low-income children in the state. In a concise floor speech, Representative Brenda Shields reminded her colleagues of the high return on investment quality early childhood delivers. See our HB 1486 one-pager. The bill now moves to the Senate.
Kansas Update - At its recent February meeting, the Kansas State Board of Education (KSBE) made significant decisions regarding reading instruction methodologies and allocating At-Risk Weighting funds to bolster literacy rates and support vulnerable student populations.
Additional Highlights - Holland 1916, a local manufacturing and software company, is a shining example of how hands-on partnerships with the education system can yield remarkable results.