Weekly Legislative Update

This week’s highlights:
Top News - This week, the House Committee on Elementary & Secondary Education heard HB 2184 (Haffner), a bill that would modify school accountability metrics for Missouri's public and public charter schools.
Missouri Update - This week marked a solemn moment as the state bid farewell to former Missouri First Lady and Senator Jean Carnahan, an advocate for causes ranging from on-site daycare centers to childhood immunization.
Kansas Update - Lawmakers introduced 112 more bills in week four of the legislative session. Committees typically go into overdrive to meet approaching legislative deadlines, which is evidenced by the more than 65 hearings scheduled for next week.
Additional Highlights - On January 25, Kansas City lost a legend. Sister Berta Sailer, who devoted her life to serving the community's children, passed away at 87. According to the Kansas City Star, former Senator Claire McCaskill called Sailer "The Mother Teresa of Kansas City."