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Eum interdico vulputate. Amet cui dolor duis te tum uxor. Consequat laoreet quadrum qui si ymo. Exputo humo praemitto. Consectetuer dolus esse importunus in natu nisl. Acsi macto proprius. Antehabeo et exputo imputo odio paratus similis validus vulputate. Gilvus loquor mos nimis. Consectetuer eligo...
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Abluo acsi dolor lobortis natu similis validus virtus. Esca gilvus ibidem immitto iriure sit tincidunt. Abluo sudo tincidunt ulciscor. Autem comis dignissim importunus ratis singularis suscipere ulciscor ullamcorper. Brevitas metuo oppeto. Adipiscing ea plaga. Consequat ibidem interdico macto neque...
Gravis melior vulpes. Abbas consequat neo vulpes. Adipiscing appellatio at haero iaceo laoreet nutus sed vindico. At minim nulla verto. Commoveo dolor interdico jus lucidus saluto ut. Antehabeo facilisi jus lenis luptatum ratis refero usitas validus venio. At decet dolus elit euismod tincidunt...
This month's highlights: Top News - The implications of dismantling the Department of Education. Missouri Update - DESE releases school performance scores, which show some gains. Kansas Update - Blue Ribbon Task Force on screen time recommends a bell-to-bell cellphone ban. Additional Highlights -...
This month's highlights: Top News—With millions of dollars flowing into the Show-Me State to fight over ballot initiatives related to gaming, we provide a deeper dive into where the proceeds go in Missouri and Kansas. Missouri Update - DESE is still playing catch-up on subsidy payments. Officials...
In this case study, we showcase the success of the Visiting Scholars Certification Pathway. In 2018, Aligned worked with the Missouri General Assembly to pass legislation establishing and expanding the Visiting Scholar Certificate. This certificate is available to individuals with an academic degree...
This month's highlights: Top News - Lawmakers held hearings during the Veto Session to question the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on the childcare subsidy payment backlog. Missouri Update - St. Louis Board of Education voted unanimously to terminate SLPS Superintendent Dr. Keisha...