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Eum interdico vulputate. Amet cui dolor duis te tum uxor. Consequat laoreet quadrum qui si ymo. Exputo humo praemitto. Consectetuer dolus esse importunus in natu nisl. Acsi macto proprius. Antehabeo et exputo imputo odio paratus similis validus vulputate. Gilvus loquor mos nimis. Consectetuer eligo...
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Examining school finance 40 years after landmark report - This week, we examine a school finance report that investigates the complex relationship between school spending, equity, and student outcomes. We also cover the latest happenings in Missouri and Kansas.
Final pieces click into place to pass landmark bill - This week, we dive into the details of a massive education bill passed by the Missouri General Assembly that doubles state investment in early childhood education. We also provide details on the other latest happenings in Missouri and Kansas.
This week, we look at the "Toolbelt Generation" and the national conversation around the value of traditional college and the rise in construction trade enrollment. We also cover statehouse news in Missouri and Kansas.
This week, we report on school board election results, which heavily favored incumbents and union-endorsed candidates. We also cover the latest news in Missouri and Kansas.
This week, we highlight the new book by Jonathan Haidt that examines how smartphones and social media use are causing an epidemic of mental illness for American children. We also have updates from the Missouri and Kansas Legislatures.
This week, we highlight an exciting new apprenticeship opportunity for prospective teachers in Kansas, as well as cover legislative happenings in Kansas - Missouri was off for the week.